Jeremy Saylor • 24 January 2021

Answering Vaccine Questions

LEXINGTON, Ky. – As we continue to watch vaccines roll out across Kentucky, we are here to answer your questions on the vaccine, how to get one, and much more.

My mother is 81 years old and lives in Laurel County. She is registered to receive the vaccine. Then, I saw on the news that teachers are getting the vaccine. Why won’t they call her for a vaccine?

As with other health departments, the Laurel County Health Department has started vaccinating people in the first phase of eligibility.

“We want to remind everyone to please be patient as we are working as fast as we can to get through the COVID-19 Vaccine Phases safely and as comprehensive as possible,” the department writes on its website. “Once we receive the vaccine you will be contacted at that time to setup your appointment.”

Some vaccine is allocated for teachers to help speed up the return to in-person learning.

During his briefing on January 21, Gov. Andy Beshear addressed a question about why some teachers are receiving the vaccination before Kentuckians 70 years old and over.

“First, they are being done at the same time. But every business, every parent, every grandparent wants to get their kid back in school if it is safe. It’s going to be safe if we can get this done. This is critical to the function of our society,” Gov. Beshear said. “We are going to hit this at every stage, even those that are within 1C are going to be upset that they are seeing someone else in a different situation. So, please try to be as understanding as you can. This is going to be a hard process; but, we are doing better than just about anybody, and we’re doing it faster than just about anybody.”

What happens if you only receive one dose of the vaccine?

being Vaccines administered require two doses. The Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services says for the Pfizer vaccine doses should be separated by three weeks and for Moderna’s vaccine doses should be separated by 28 days.

The Centers for Disease Controlrecommends two doses to ensure maximum effectiveness. In addition, the CDC says it takes time for a person’s body to build protection after any vaccination and COVID-19 vaccinations “may not protect you until a week or two after your second shot.”

What are the side effects of receiving the vaccine?

Side effects for patients receiving the vaccine include pain and swelling on the arm where they got the shot. Others may also experience fever, chills, tiredness and headache, according to the Centers for Disease Control.

The CDC says those side effects may feel like flu and even impact a person’s ability to do daily activities, but they should go away in a few days.

Family Choice Home Care is continuously updating our protocols to exceed federal and state guidelines. We will soon be featuring a dedicated page to provide information on the pandemic and support options.

Original content by WKYT Published: Jan. 22, 2021


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